
what's new pussycat?

As i write a list of what to bring with me to Europe, i flip through the channels on my television. It lands on NJN, the new jersey pbs -type channel, which often plays old concerts and occasionally some old britcoms. Well, lo and behold, on it tonight i notice a man in a red shirt and tight black pants singing Great Balls of Fire. No, not Jerry Lee Lewis (though he is alive and kicking as witnessed at the D.C. Fourth of July concert this summer).

It was none other than Tom Jones.

I think this is a good sign for my trip, as my time in London was a popular time for the Tom Jones impression; which, as you probably know is somewhere on video floating around the trash bin of the BBC. (i did a tom jones impersonation along with the turkey impression and other things on video when i auditioned for a game show in england 2 years ago. yup. i am among the most embarrassing ,awkward, and ridiculous people you know).

Man, that Tom Jones had something. I can see where all the crazy panty throwing ladies are coming from. Sadly, he has since had so much plastic surgery that his doctor truly told him that if he continued like this, his face would literally fall off.

Whoopsiedaisy Tommy. At least we will always have "Thunderball."

I was getting anxious for this trip, as i have a tendency to get nervous before things actually happen, but Tom has put my mind at ease. At least for now.

I have to pack everything tomorrow. I leave on Tuesday morning, at a time when i would normally just be hitting my REM sleep. I don't have all my transportation booked. I don't have hostels booked. I don't have any clue what i want to see anywhere, but you know what, it's europe. no matter what happens everything will be great. And i can guarantee i will have some interesting stories for you; life hasn't let me down yet. Wierd situations gravitate to me.

Which brings me to my next point:
I hope to be regularly posting blogs about my 2 and a half week jaunt in Europe. I considered putting it up with my original blog from London, but i decided to do it here. So check in every now and then if you want to read stories about me trying to speak german to old people, me falling down stairs in a castle, or me searching for a vegetarian meal in the home of sausage. The possibilities are endless my friends, but please, do read, and more importantly, write comments so i am inspired to continue documenting my journey.

Let's be honest, this plan is nearly entirely selfish, it just forces me to keep a journal of my fun, which i would otherwise not do. So comment on things, i am pretty sure you can use it as a tax write off.

Here is my general itinerary, so you can have a little teaser:
London for a few days, Salzburg, Munich, bus tour of crazy king ludwig's castles in bavaria, a 6 hour train ride to prague , prague coincidentally, bratislava, vienna, london, and home.

the end is subject to change. as in it may not end.


HelenW said...

So you will be in London on Wednesday? Are you staying with one of your other friends or do you need to stay with me. (Coincidentally, this Wednesday is "reading week" so I do not have classes -- if you need anything). Let me know where you'll be so we can meet up.

You should be excited! It WILL be fabulous, no matter what.

molski said...

i will be in london late tuesday night, and i am going to be staying with my friend jenna who lives somewhere near camden. we are going to be doing some museum-y things all day i think, if you would like to meet up. i am note sure where exactly yet.
AND i will definitely be goingt o some fireworks for guy fawkes day, so i will look up which one seems to be the best or most convenient.
so come see some fireworks :)

Ramon said...

I went to see Tom Jones live, and women still throw panties at him.

I don't know how successful the plastic surgery is, but the goatee he was growing was pretty sporty.

Which was better, your TJ impression or the turkey one?

Sarah said...

Little do you realize how overjoyed Ramon must have been when he found your post on Tom Jones. Ramon wants to be him, but I prefer him without plastic surgery.

I wonder what would happen if they put Tom Jones on that railroad track with the cart that stops really fast and ripped that guys connective tissue out of his face...