
FULL itinerary

i have decided to include a full itinerary because some have asked for it. So in case you are particularly interested, or, for some of you, if you are trying to meet up at some point in europe, here it is:

T. Nov 4th- arrive in london at night, find jenna esposito and reunite
W. 5th- london (and guy fawkes day fun)
Th 6th- London
Fr 7th- trip to Cambridge , but still staying in London
Sa 8th- early morning flight to Salzburg, Austria
Sun 9th- Salzburg
M 10th- Train from Sazlburg to Munich
T 11th- bus tour of Ludwig's castles in Bavaria, then Munich for the night
W- 12th- big train ride from Munich to Prague
Th 13th- Prague
Fr 14th- Prague, train to Vienna late afternoon
Sa 15th- trip to Bratislava from Vienna
Su 16th- Vienna
M17h- Vienna
T 18th- Vienna , flight back to london in afternoon
W 19th - Sun 23rd London, or somewhere in England. maybe two concerts.
fly home sun the 23rd around noon. :(

ok , so for those of you in europe, if you want to jump in on anything - particularly the middle bit, let me know. hope you can work it out.

now back to packing. yuck.

p.s. a spider was in my car today. and i did so well keeping calm. i pulled over when it started crawling around my sunroof, and was scuttling towards the area right above my head. i was able to jump out of the car on a side road and reposition myself with a tissue. it tried to hide, but it was futile, this is why you stay outside spiders. i will not kill you if you are outside. but the minute you invade my space and threaten jumping onto my face while i am driving, well, i am afraid you have to go.


HelenW said...

I'd love to come to Cambridge with you -- I think I should be feeling well by then.

molski said...

YES! please do!
but just facebook message david brady and see if he has extra space on his bus. i am going with his class and their bus leaves from regents. a good old fashioned school trip. otherwise i am sure we can get you there somehow and we can hang out :)

Sarah said...

have a great trip!

Tamra said...

I want to hear about election night in England!!!

molski said...

you are going to have to wait a bit. i am not really having time to blog. :( but i am keeping a journal of sorts so hopefully one day...

Ry said...

i hope ur having a blast on ur European tour! Here's a video i got of Joss Stone on the 5th of November...i thought it was relevant since I love her and since she's British...


Tony said...

it's snowing and shitty in nj right now.

and even though i know you went on this trip months ago, it still feels like youre about to leave for a sweet vaca, and im ini elizabeth nj.

therefore, i reject you.