
i hate politics


here are three things i have found that have made me chuckle in some way, despite all this crazy political anger swirling about:

John McCain Gets Rick Rolled

Get Fuzzy references Monty Python (click on to enlarge)

i am so glad someone else out there keeps thinking of Michael Palin every time someone mentions Sarah Palin. Now if Michael Palin were up for VP, i would vote for him any day. Too bad he is not an American citizen. details.

And Once More

hope you like these nice innocent political references. have a super day


HelenW said...

It is impossible to have a decent conversation to anyone about this presidential election. Everyone is so hot-headed about their own views.

Dug the cartoons though. I put some political cartoons from The Times up on my myspace blog occasionally.

HelenW said...

Thanks Stacey for the comment on my blog! Hopefully I will be there soon.