
photo frame models

These people totally don't even know one another.
What if you were one of those models in the photos that frames come with?

Sometimes they really look like they could be friends or family of someone i know, having a super picnic, or looking so in love while frolicking down a sandy shore.

Sure all models do this, but most are in catalogues. These picture frame people are so much more personal. It's weird. It's actually a bit creepy. I mean, we know its a picture frame. We've seen picture frames before, it really doesn't neccessitate an example photograph. And now these people are just sitting there looking at you like they deserve to be hung on your wall or placed lovingly on your nighttable. Then you take it out, crumple it up and throw it away. The whole idea sketches me out.

What about the families of those models? Do they buy these frames and just slap them on the wall? That's what i would do. Save time and money. And really, if its your daughter or son modeling in that picture, how are they going to feel when you crumple up that picture to put in a photo of the same kid. I think you just have to craft your own frames in this situation. Otherwise you're going to have a lot of the same creepy photo of the same creepy people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hilarious! Reminds me of how, in college, my roommates and i left the example photos in a whiteboard/photo frame all year, and everyone thought we knew those people. ha